Double Jointed Teens At Risk For Pain Later On

Researchers in the United Kingdom have released a study that indicates that teenagers who are classified as being “double jointed” are more susceptible to pain such as back, shoulder and neck later on in life. For the purpose of the study, the young people were classified as double jointed if 6 of 9 particular joints were more flexible than the norm i.e. hypermobility. Obviously, a person does not have to be a contortionist to be hypermobile.

Following a common theme, those double jointed teenagers who were also obese were the most prone to suffer, suggesting that physicians should make sure patients understand the importance of proper weight management. Strength training also seemed to be effective at staving off future problems. Then again, diet and exercise are effective tools for all of us in staying healthy and pain free.

Stretching Before Running To Avoid Minor Pains and Serious Injuries

An interesting and detailed article on steps to help runners limit the risk of injury and pain. It is a fairly technical post however the lessons should prove invaluable to both the weekend warrior jogger or serious marathon runner looking to cut down on injuries. The point is very well made that if pro athletes require adequate warm up time then certainly those people who are not in peak physical shape are also going to benefit from stretching.

Or course, this issue is not black and white. There are a great many myths regarding stretching before running and you should be aware of these before starting any exercise regimen. I can think of few things more disappointing than getting crazy and sweating like crazy only to find out that you’ve managed to do more harm than good to your body.


FDA Warns Topical Analgesic Irritation Can Be Extreme

topical cream burnThe FDA issued a warning about the use of topical creams and gel pain relievers as new evidence suggest that topical analgesic irritation can be extreme  in a small number of people. This could include an intense burning sensation which could also lead to blistering and a skin rash.

Seek medical attention if this happens to you and remember to always use common sense by not using these types of skins on broken or already irritated skin. If you have not used this medication in the past, you might also want to apply it to just a small portion of your skin first to make sure no problems arise.

Of course in my case I will also have to exercise a bit first to have to worry about sore muscles.

Chill Out! The Effects Of Stress On Our Pain Levels

I think that everyone has to admit that the stress that is present in all of our daily lives has to be a big contributor to the aches and pains we feel in our bodies. This is not to diminish the real muscles and joint diseases that exist, however how often have you ever had a flare up or a bad day and noticed that you seemed to be in much more pain? The back pain sufferers I’ve talked with seem especially susceptible to this, no doubt in large part to the tensing up of the muscles. Plus, lets not forget the classic “stress headache” that seems to bother so many adults.

What to do about this phenomenon? Simply telling yourself to chill out can actually be a quick way to make things worse. Nevertheless, simple light exercise, meditation, deep breathing, stretching or yoga all have proven effective for people worldwide. Tranquilizers or benzos(valium, xanax, etc.) can be effective but with all the dangers and potential side effects that come with them it hardly seems like a long term solution.

Please share your story about how stress effects you and what works for you in lessening stress and consequently the pain it may bring about. Hopefully one person’s experience can bring some relief to another in the community. Thanks!

Thumb Joint Pain Caused By Overuse of Electronic Devices

Thumb Joint PainInteresting article linking the use or overuse of electronic devices, such as a Blackberry or a video game system to joint pain in the thumbs. While repetitive stress issues or carpal tunnel syndrome are not new, especially to those who type away on keyboards all day, those using smaller devices are not immune from pain as the result of frequent use. The pain can get so bad the the affected thumb joint may even require surgery in the worst cases.