Remedies For Chronic Fatigue After Exercise?

We have read some interesting posts regarding what can best be characterized as chronic fatigue that is often extreme or more than what should normally be expected

Chronic Exercise Fatique

Exercise & Fatigue

following exercise. The symptoms are often described as being completely exhausted with very sore muscles. Naturally, if a weekend warrior or pro athlete pushes their own personal limits with a vigorous work out this could happen, but many people describe suffering after even light to moderate activity.

The general first line treatment suggested involves dehydration, i.e. drink more water. Sports drinks could be used in limited circumstances, however, the amount of sugar often contained in these drinks make it difficult to justify their use for the average athlete. I would think eating a banana could provide some necessary energy and a kick of potassium. However, this extra hydration does not remedy the situation for many complaining of this problem.

There is occasionally conflicting information on this type of fatigue. Can anyone contribute any of their own experiences with this problem and share with us what has worked for you? Whether it be stretching, a particular supplement or perhaps even a change in diet. Thanks.