Tablet Computers Causing RSI Pain In Young People

iPad Tablet RSI

Tablets, iPads & RSI

New evidence, while anecdotal suggests that there is a new repetitive stress injury risk for youths that could cause more damage than even the often blamed video game controller. The use of tablet computers, which are seemingly ubiquitous among today’s younger generation, could be even riskier due to the way in which a person interacts with the device.

When sitting at a computer there is a much greater chance for a person to use proper posture as opposed to the way tablets are used. Many of us lean forward and sort of contort our hands and fingers while relaxing on the couch. It may feel more comfortable in the short term, but the long term risks to the muscles, tendons and joints are still being assessed.

The easiest way for young people or anyone who frequently uses a tablet computer is to be aware of your positioning and to take frequent breaks. RSI injuries are no fun at any age, but they can be avoided with a little common sense.

Vitamin D & Calcium For Joint Pain in Women

Vitamins & Supplements

Calcium & Vitamin D for Joint Pain

Despite some preliminary evidence that low levels of Vitamin D along with a calcium deficiency in postmenopausal women may play a role in joint pain, it now appears that there might not be a correlation.  The results of a study involving nearly 2000 women, with have being given D and calcium supplements and the other half taking a placebo over a two year period showed that there was no improvement in joint pain in those taking the supplements.

However, the results of this study should not result in anyone stopping their current supplement intake without first talking with their doctor as each supplement can still be helpful in treating a variety of other conditions. You can read the abstract of this study for additional information.