Polymyalgia Rheumatica Muscle Pain Treatment & Symptoms

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (or PMR) is a relatively common form of muscle pain and stiffness that occurs most frequently in the hips upper back, & neck area. Sufferers are most likely to be afflicted in the morning after waking up but symptoms can appear at any time in the day. Women are twice as likely as men to be afflicted and it occurs most often in older adults.

Although PMR symptoms are not limited to just muscle stiffness. A general feeling of malaise or fatigued, a low grade fever, and even Anemia. Unfortunately there is not one clear cut test to diagnosis this disease, although certain blood tests can help your doctor in making a diagnosis.

Depending on the severity of the pain, nsaid pain relievers may be tried first although quite often the oral steroid prednisone proves to be the most effective treatment in providing symptom relief, generally in just a few days. If you don’t see relief from prednisone, contact your doctor immediately to rule out other possible causes for the muscle pain.


Possible Dangers Of Supplement Use For Treating Joint Pain

Vitamins and Supplements for Joint PainMost joint pain sufferers have probably tried at least one supplement to try and gain some relief. However, there is a new report that points out the potential dangers and risks of using vitamins and supplements to treat joint and muscle pain. In particular, it is never safe to assume that because it is believed that a pill is or claims to be natural that it is automatically safe. It is still possible to overdose on a supplement or to do some other damage to your body. If you don’t have a vitamin deficiency you probably don’t even need to take anything but if you are going to try a supplement to help with joint pain or another condition, always play it safe and speak to your doctor first.


Study Looks at Methotrexate For Psoriatic Arthritis

A new study looks at the effectiveness of the rheumatoid arthritis drug methotrexate in patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis. While the results were slightly mixed this drug did not have any effect on synovitis, or the painful swelling of the joints associated with this disease. As usual however always talk to your doctor before stopping or starting any medication.

Thumb Joint Pain Caused By Overuse of Electronic Devices

Thumb Joint PainInteresting article linking the use or overuse of electronic devices, such as a Blackberry or a video game system to joint pain in the thumbs. While repetitive stress issues or carpal tunnel syndrome are not new, especially to those who type away on keyboards all day, those using smaller devices are not immune from pain as the result of frequent use. The pain can get so bad the the affected thumb joint may even require surgery in the worst cases.

Lyme Disease May Linger Even After Treatment

An interesting article in the WSJ.com about how researchers have discovered a bit of the bacteria that causes lyme disease still exists even after a successful course of treatment with antibiotics. This may explain why some sufferers continue to have arthritis like pain in the fingers and other joints. It is important to note that this study was done with mice and as such it is still too early to make any human comparisons.